

I am not doing so bad. I have to keep telling myself that. I realize that I am actually accomplishing things in my life. I have completed several years of college, I have made great steps in my career as an artist, I have run my own business, I have survived almost seven years in a monogomous relationship with a woman I am deeply in love with... I'm not doing so bad. I am actually accomplishing things and I frequently lose sight of that. I beat myself up for all of my mistakes so often that I forget that I have actually done a few things in my life that haven't been complete failures. I feel like I wear failure goggles and all I see is my faults. I'm about to do big things. I'm about to be making some of the biggest decisions of my life and I can't keep berating myself like this. I need to stop listening to the voice in my brain that tells me I can't succeed. I need to start listening to my heart.
What is my personal legend? What does my heart know and what has it been trying to tell me all this time?

I know deep down that I was meant to draw comic books. I was meant to be a story teller. And more than that, I was meant to make a difference with my stories. I was meant to open the eyes of others.

I feel like I am on the right path, but sometimes I'm not so sure. Sometimes I think that I feel a calling to go and put my all into my art and to not stop until I'm a giant success. Sometimes I think that I need to keep doing what I'm doing and keep putting out the art and success will come to me.

Whatever my path is I need to be confident and believe in myself all the way and I need to listen to my heart.

I'm listening.... I can almost hear what it is saying. And I'm gonna keep listening.

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